Update Aug 23 2024
International Taekwon-Do Federation- ITF (founded in Seoul, South Korea on 22 March 1966)
Founded by the late General Choi Hong Hi (1918-2002) (President ITF from 22 Mar 1966 to 15 Jun 2002)
(The Original ITF are from 1966-2002 after the passing of the Founder Gen Choi in 2002 ITF split to many individual groups)
International Taekwon-Do Federation-ITF-Spain (Spain)
Current President: Grandmaster Paul Weiler 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation- ITF Vienna (Austria/North Korea)
Current President: Professor Grandmaster Ri Yong Son 9th Dan
World Chun Kuhn Taekwon-Do Federation -WCTF (USA)
Founded by the late Pioneer Grandmaster Kim Bok Man (1934-2021)
Current President: Grandmaster Brad Shipp 9th Dan
Home of International Taekwon-Do (USA/S.Korea)
Founded by current President Pioneer Grandmaster Lee Yoo Sun 9th Dan
Life International Taekwon-Do Federation -LITF (Canada)
Founded by the late Pioneer Grandmaster Han Sam Soo 9th Dan (1944-2022)
Advisor : Pioneer Grandmaster Kim Jong Chan 9th Dan & Grand Master Yu Hong Son 9th Dan
President: GM Steve Ng Hong Aik 9th Dan
Allied International Taekwon-Do Council -AITC (Canada)
Founded by The late Pioneer GM Park Jong Soo 9th Dan (1941-2021)
President : Grandmaster Chuck Gorino 9th Dan
International Taekwon-do Federation ITF-TAO (Canada)
President Mr. Rudy Johnson
President and Pioneer GM Rhee Ki Ha 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do FGMR- (UK)
Founded by current President Pioneer GM Rhee Ki Ha 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Fourum - ITF Forum (USA)
Founded by Ralph Rojas 7th Dan
Honorary President GM Han Wong 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do FGMR Associates -ITFA (Aus)
Founded by current President Sr Master Andrew Rhee Kang Hae 8th Dan
Young Brother Taekwon-Do International -YBTI (USA/UK)
Founded by Current President Pioneer GM Kong Young Il 9th Dan
World Taekwon-Do Organization-WTO (USA)
Co-Founded by current Chairman Pioneer Grandmaster Kong Young Il 9th Dan
President : GM Casey Ilsun Kim 9th Dan
Global Taekwon-Do Federation- GTF (Canada)
Founded by the late GM Park Jung Tae 9th Dan (1943-2002)
Current President: Grandmaster (Hon.) Linda Park 9th Dan(H)
Secretary General : Grandmaster Christopher Gantner 9th Dan
Unified International Taekwon-Do Federation-UITF (USA)
Founded by current President :GM Hwang Kwang Sung 9th Dan
Taekwon-Do International - (USA)
Founded by current President Grandmaster Kim Suk Jun 9th Dan
Taekwon-Do Pioneers (Canada)
Founded by Grand Master Choi Chang keun 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation-ITF-Canada
Founded by current President: Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa 9th Dan
Global Taekwon-Do Federation International- GTFI (Malaysia)
Founded by the late Grandmaster Dato Professor Dr. Sabree Salleh 9th Dan (1950-2022)
World Taekwon-Do Alliance-WTA (USA)
Co-Founder & Current President: GM Scott McNeely 9th Dan
(Former Co-Founder GM Kong Young Il 9th Dan)
(Former Honorary President The late pioneer Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi 1929-2013)
Advanced Taekwon-Do International-ATI ITF (Canada)
Founded by current President GM James Lim Ching Shing 9th Dan
Chan Hun International Taekwon-Do Federation-CHITF (Canada)
Founded by current President: Sr. Grandmaster Phap Lu 9th Dan
World ITF Taekwon-Do Council-WITC (Scotland)
Founded by current President: GM Peter Harkess 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters Korea -ITF HQ-Korea (South Korea)
Founded by current President Master Oh Chang Jin 7th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation Union-ITF Union (Rep.of Ireland)
Founded by current President: GM Don Dalton 9th Dan
International Ch'ang-Hon Taekwon-Do Federation-ICTF (Canada)
Current President & Chairman: Grandmaster Joe Cariati 9th Dan
(Former Founder GM Kong Young Il 9th Dan)
(Former Honorary President The late pioneer Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi)
Tae Kwon-Do International (UK)
Founded by current president Grand Master Dave Oliver 9th Dan
Technical Adviser Pioneer GM Choi Chang Keun 9th Dan (Founder of Taekwon-Do Pioneers Organization)
International Taekwon-Do Federation-ITF-REUNITE (Australia)
Current President: Grandmaster Kong Young Il 9th Dan
ITF CHOSON (Uruguay)
Current President: Grand Master Hector Lerena 9th Dan. Chairman GM.Jeong 9th Dan.
International Taekwon-Do Society -ITMS (Germany)
Current President: Grandmaster StefanosGaidartzakis 9th Dan
ITF Taekwon-Do World Alliance-ITWA (Malaysia)
Founded by current Chairman GM Gary Tong 9th Dan
International Jun Tong Taekwon-Do Federation-IJTF (USA)
Founded by Sr GM Robert Dunn 9th Dan
Current President : Grandmaster Louis Radicioni 9th Dan
Worldwide Taekwon-Do (Australia)
Founded by current President GM Jamie Moore 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation Masters- ITF Masters (Argentina)
Founded by current President GM Jorge Zorgniotti 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Confederation-ITC (Canada)
Founded by current President : GM Geoffrey Ong 9th Dan
Honorary Chairman : PGM Kong Young Il 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation Elite-ITFE (Canada)
Founded by current President: GM Parm Rai 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Federation Elite-ITFE (Canada)
Founded by current President: GM Parm Rai 9th Dan
United Taekwon-Do Alliance-UTA (USA)
Founded by current President :GM Jason Wadley 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Association- ITA (USA)
Founded by current President: GM James S Benko 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Master Council ITMC (Argentina)
Founded by current President Sergio Sciascia 9th Dan
All International Taekwon-Do Federation- AITF (USA)
Founded by current President Pioneer Great Grand Master Chung Kwang Duk 10th Dan
Chan Hon Taekwon-Do International -CHTI (Malaysia)
Founded by current President Grand Master Rickie Low Ah Kuan 9th Dan
Evolutionary International Taekwon-Do Federation -EITF (Russia)
Founder: GM Rudolf Kang 9th Dan
International Chin Mu Kwan Taekwon-Do Federation-CTF (USA)
Founded by The late GM Howard Y. Kang 9th Dan (1931-2021)
Senior Advisers:
Grandmaster Charlie Kang 9th Dan
Grandmaster Stephen Davis 9th Dan
Grandmaster Fred DeStolfo 9th Dan
International Taekwon-Do Organization-ITO (Argentina)
Founder & President :SGM Ricardo Desimone 9th Dan
Open International Taekwon-Do Federation- OITF (UK)
Promotion board: GM Roy Oldham 9th Dan (OITF Administration), GM I Lawes 9th Dan(OITF Chairman), GM Bhupinder Sahota 9th Dan.
Global Taekwon-Do Federation Union-GTFU (Germany)
Founder and President : GM Xuan Ha 9th Dan
Global Taekwon-Do Federation-GTF (Russia)
President : Master Sergiu Balan 7th Dan
Technical Director: Grand Master Paco Beloso 9th Dan
Global Taekwon-Do-GTF Federation (Ukraine)
President: Viktor Tikhonenko 5th Dan
Vice President: General Manager Alexander Gongadze9th Dan
World Alliance Taekwon-do Federation (Spain)
Founded by current president: GM Francesc Campanya 9th Dan
One Legacy ITF (Australia)
Founded by Grand Master Michael Daher 9th Dan